Monday 1 October 2018

The Oath of The Shadowblinder - Poetry fragments/early draft

What follows is some early rough ideas for a song. I'd like to share these fragments today as a window into my process, a tease of a current work, and to serve as an archive for an early draft.

Come back in a couple days when I will share some of the inspiration for the Shadowblinder.

The Oath of The Shadowblinder

I. am. . . .the truth,
The wave, and the mote.

In my hand I hold the eye,
The fang, and the claw.

Beneath my glaring rage,
It cracks, your fault.

Face the Shadowblinder.

Shine on in words,
The pen, and the code.

To the blinded darkness
Shine the everlight of morning

Place upon the truth the morning stare
To render, in the glare, the shadow sightless

We are the light
Together shows the way

We are the light
That blinds this darkness

What bends crystal light?

What breaks under light?

eye to see and
Claw to rend for
Fang to ravage
What's hidden inside.

The light belongs to us all

So true that every lie falters and fades
We hold it in our hearts, this light.

The light belongs to all of us.
Such power that all life is lit

The light is inside us.

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