A Realm Adjacent, set between Forever and the stray edges of Dreams, encompasses only a grain of sand. A kingdom of the immaterial.
Monday, 22 October 2018
This is how we win.
What wars we wage over bike lanes and the price of gas. 30-second full-page sponsored content making us out to be thieves and liars. How we rail at our enemy, the pickup truck driving carnivore and his six-pack habit. We, with our solutions of grandeur and our monoculture fuels. An attack right now seems the kind that opens us wide. The thrust will hit heart, but so will the bullet. None will arrive to announce that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead.
All that remains is our mutually assured destruction. Our battle just wears us all away, our thoughts frozen into stone then eroded by our own righteous storms. Who will be left the spoils of perfect debate: the praise of the choir we so carefully trained?
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Poem - Fer Gord
Here we are morning grey
Still stunned by his last day
A map of denim sky
With that look in our eye
Shoulder wrestles shoulder
You and me year older
Without one to cry on
Still gonna sing along
A flag at Gare du Nord
He says, did you know Gord?
Double take turn and look
And that was all it took
The guy brought Chanie back
From the loneliest track
From our bad way to be
So we could start to heal
Singing us nebulous
Yeah, he was there for us
Neighbor, brother, cousin
Bloor, Portage, or Robson
Rewrote our inner map
Greater than maple sap
We saw from in his eyes
A truer north untied
We were there in Golden
So consumed at the inn
That night in Toronto
Screaming fer just one more
Screaming to see that smile
Screaming to hear that style
That night was all through
That night we all cried
Sunday, 14 October 2018
Short Story - Tears of Anubis
Friday, 12 October 2018
The Oath of the Shadowblinder v0.2
Intro - crushed under lies
Go fucking practice!
3/4 time fresh tendrils 6/8
F# A C 2 4 7 focus on rhythm
Em F#
Transition - theme of the light
' ' ' '
. . . . . . |. . . . . . |
Riff theme - justice
I. am. . .luminous.
The wave, and the mote.
I hold the eye,
The fang, and the claw.
Sparks of glaring rage
The flash, and the flaw.
Stain night in glimmer
In red, in the bright!
Turn light upon the lie.
Come the Shadowblinder.
Guitar solo - theme of the light
Shadowblinder light my eyes
Save me from deceit and lies
Apparition turn your rage
Take this darkness from this age
//Falter and fade face of charm
Riff theme - apparition of lies
Theme - Justice repeats
Theme - The Oath
Render, in the glare
The shadow sightless;
In blinding everbright;
the morning nightless.
Solo 2 - dawn's justice
Refrain - theme of the light
Out on the ash of shadow.
//Shine the everlight of morning
Place upon the truth the morning stare
To render, in the glare, the shadow sightless
We are the light
Together shows the way
We are the light
That blinds this darkness
What bends crystal light?
What breaks under light? LIAR!
eye to read and
Claw to rend for
Fang to ravage
What's hidden inside.
Be they
Preacher /break them!
Charmer /
Taker /
The light belongs to us all
So true that every lie falters and fades
We hold it in our hearts, this light.
The light belongs to all of us.
Such power that all life is lit
The light is inside us.
Shine on in words,
The pen, and the code.
Praise this breath of sight
The wind, and the wings.
Beneath my glaring rage,
It cracks, your fault.
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Background Inspiration - Shadowblinder

The Shadowblinder is my Ibanez Gio that I stripped and upgraded. I bought it as a project to see if I could take a shit guitar and make it something special. It wasn't an awful guitar but it was a cheap Chinese beginner model. The neck was straight and the fret wear wasn't too bad so all I needed was some new pickups, tuning machines, and a coat of paint.
Since the concept was to make a metal shit-kicking drop-tuned monster I chose Lace Sensor Drop and Gain pickups. These are made specially for way down tuned crunchy riffage and are fairly unique seeing as everyone rides Seymour Duncan and Dimarzio pickups for everything these days. The Lace pickups kill. Super tight, full frequency, and output for days.
I chose some Planet Waves auto trim tuners for the headstock. These are pretty neat. Besides the really nice 18:1 gear ratio, these tuners are a breeze to string up. There is no guessing about how much slack to put in the string, you just feed it in, lock it down, tune to pitch, and it snaps off excess string. Perfect every time. They are rock solid staying in tune as well.
In thinking up a name for this beast, I was thinking about some of the problems I was seeing all around me. In my work and in the world it seemed that too often, people were just dishonest. Hiding something, holding things back, folding the truth under layers of shade and darkness.
Being the huge fan of Robert Jordan that I am, I wanted something like what would be the name for one of the myths in his world. In The Wheel Of Time saga, the overarching fight is between the light and the dark. The dark lord has many names, one being Sightblinder. He is a taker of light. I wanted this guitar to be a bringer of light. A hero of truth, bane of darkness, the cure for the deceived. Shadowblinder was born.
Now, the song Shadowblinder has been a long time coming as is normal in my process. I think I first crossed some themes about four years ago with the line:
Shadowblinder light my eyes
A punch into a chorus. The Shadowblinder is one you can call on when facing down deception. It will help you see truth where it has been hidden and it will reveal to you the liars.
The most recent spate of inspiration was to imagine this being has sworn an oath. This piece was lingering near the surface. Originally I had wanted something like this painted on the guitar somewhere. Like Tom Morello's many guitars. A pledge to the light, to stand against lie and liar.
I will share the next iteration as it appears in my notes in its entirety and without much comment in a few days. I don't normally like to share and speak about works under construction as I feel it can purge the emotions I am feeding it.
Shadowblinder has taught me a few things. One is that in the rush to complete something, you should try to take your time or you will just barf out any stupid idea and run with it. Case in point: I was struggling to add something to the guitar like a pickguard. I found some neat grating that looks a bit like the Chaos Cross. I feel like the results are less than stellar. So it needs fixing. I've got a good idea, but my compulsion is to keep it secret until it is finished. As I mentioned above, sometimes speaking about it might feel too much like it is done to my mind and the motivation will be spent.
Often, I am reluctant to open up a project again for revision so long after I've named it complete. No longer. It may mean my process gets extended for great lengths, but if it serves the results better I should do it. I will explore this further when I present Gift Of Ravens, a short story that needs a new ending, and maybe a few small touches.
Further, this and these projects have showed me that learning is a very purpose based path for me. I learn far more when I cease practice for the sake of practice and focus on learning to clear a hurdle. For example, learning to solder so I can swap our some pickups, or learning how to use high gain clipping stacks and which amps and settings work with such effects so I can make the brutal riffs I require.
Come back soon for the aforementioned update to Shadowblinder. Follow the progress as I learn to combine several disciplines to achieve my goals.
Thanks for reading.
Friday, 5 October 2018
Paper Feathers - Poem
Rustles paper feathers
Worn like memories
Of cash in hand
Receipts of thefts
An eddy in the river
Draws rip-rapp
Against soft scales
Little scratches pace
A cancer's death
Silver light dances
Upon forgotten graves
A story never written
More broken chain
Than empty bottle
Sit by the overlook
And hear the breeze
Speak the truth
In those feathers
That you wear
Monday, 1 October 2018
The Oath of The Shadowblinder - Poetry fragments/early draft
Come back in a couple days when I will share some of the inspiration for the Shadowblinder.
The Oath of The Shadowblinder
I. am. . . .the l.um.inous. truth,
The wave, and the mote.
In my hand I hold the eye,
The fang, and the claw.
Beneath my glaring rage,
It cracks, your fault.
Face the Shadowblinder.
Shine on in words,
The pen, and the code.
To the blinded darkness
Shine the everlight of morning
Place upon the truth the morning stare
To render, in the glare, the shadow sightless
We are the light
Together shows the way
We are the light
That blinds this darkness
What bends crystal light?
What breaks under light?
eye to see and
Claw to rend for
Fang to ravage
What's hidden inside.
The light belongs to us all
So true that every lie falters and fades
We hold it in our hearts, this light.
The light belongs to all of us.
Such power that all life is lit
The light is inside us.
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